Job Searches Increase 140%

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  • UX Research & Design for Delta Faucet Careers Site


  • UX Research

  • UX Design

  • Content Strategy


  • After launch, Delta Faucet job searches increased 140%, as reported by Delta Faucet’s Director of Global Organization Effectiveness Todd Harrison.

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  • The careers website for Delta Faucet didn’t offer quality information, or have a good user experience.

  • Human Resources wanted to give a better impression of our company to job hunters.


We conducted interviews and did research on how to improve the site.

  • Competitive Research

    • We found that the current site lacked quality content compared to similar sites.

  • Interviews

    • The team interviewed recent hires to learn about their job-search experience.

    • We asked what they wished would’ve been on the site.

  • Affinity mapping

    • We grouped common themes that were talked about in our user interviews.

    • Our group found that users wanted more information on company culture, company size, and stories about our people.

We used this information, along with input from Human Resources, to build the information architecture and design the site.

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Our team did an affinity mapping exercise after interviewing newly hired employees.

Our team did an affinity mapping exercise after interviewing newly hired employees.